Sunday, March 14, 2010

Half Boiled Egg

The Half Boiled Egg is a punk and metal rock band formed in 2008 in The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus by Robbie Lim, Timothy Ng and Christopher Charles during their second year in mechanical engineering. The band name was a last minutes idea that came out from Timothy Ng during the last few min before the deadline to sign up for the audition for the Talent Quest. The name is made to be humorous to make people laugh, tho most of the members not agree with the name because it sound so gay and stupid. There were only 4 members during 2008 and Robbie was the lead vocal until 2009, then came along Alex Koh that joined the band to become lead vocal. The members are Robbie Lim (guitarist, backing vocals), Timothy Ng (drummer), Christopher Charles (lead guitarist) Roey (bassist) and Alex (lead vocal).

From left Timothy, Alex, Robbie, Chris, Roey

The band joined the Talent Quest in 2010. In the 1st audition they played the Iron Lungs by Radiohead. The members was very nervous because it was their first performing in public. After that, the band had an invitation to perform for Civil Engineering Night. The band perform Warning and 21 guns by Greenday. That was the last performance for Half Boiled Egg.

This was our 1st public performance. i would call this a warming up song... cos we all havent get used to the situation yet.. but the second song 21 guns is very nice, too bad no 1 record the vid for us.

LOL... DAMN... i love write all these stuff like this.... just like in wikipedia.. hahaha...


Caryn said...
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Caryn said...


WaiWhy said...

.....i saw the 1st comment of caryn.........

Charlene.G @ 雪琳 said...

dream on the wayyyyyyyyyyyy

Robbie said...

caryn: thanks

yy: i know.. i saw too.. lol

Charlene: this is just the begining and the end of half boiled egg too.. haha

Caryn said...

Yor..dun like that..I...I...I...shy~~~
Please act dunno.

vincent said...

bravo dude

keep it up!

Robbie said...

thanks dude...